Mission Statement
Through the grace of God and the commitment of the Catholic Community, we a parish devoted to imitating the life of Christ, as proclaimed in the Holy Gospels, offer a gathering place for worship, service, and fellowship for all.As ambassadors for Christ, we serve the faithful, those who have strayed from the faith, and those who are not members of the faith community so that all may be reconciled to God.
Sunday Masses
Saturday: 4:00pmSunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:15pm
Weekday & Holy Day Masses
As announced in the bulletin.Confessions
Saturday 2:45pmAnytime upon request.
Additional times during Advent & Lent.
Sunday Masses
Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:15 pm
Weekday & Holy Day Masses
As announced in the bulletin.
Saturday 2:45 pm
Anytime upon request.
Additional times during Advent & Lent.