
2025 Parish Mardi Gras Celebration

St. Peter's is celebrating Mardi Gras with a potluck style dinner and gathering! Saturday, March 1st 5PM – 9PM in the Parish Hall. Please share food items based on your last name: A – I -- Main Dishes/Casseroles J – Q -- Side Dishes/Salads R – Z – Desserts and B.Y.O.B.! $5.00 per adult Tickets available after Masses on February 9th & 16th


Padre Pio Relic Tour

The Catholic Daughters of America, Court of Roses #2766 will be hosting the Padre Pio Relic Tour. The relics will be at St. Peter’s Church, March 11th - 12th starting at 11AM, for prayers, veneration, and Divine Mercy. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be said each evening at 7PM. The Mission of the National Centre for Padre Pio is to lead souls to God through the example of Padre Pio.

St. Peter School 2025-2026 Registration

St. Peter School is now accepting applications for enrollment in grades K-6 for the 2025-2026 school year. Registration Applications are available at the school or on the school website. The Registration Application form, a birth certificate, baptismal certificates (if any), and immunization records are required for the application process, and enrollments will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2025 must be five years old by Aug. 31st, 2025. If you or someone you know would like to know more about the gift of Catholic education, please call the school today to arrange a visit.

St. Peter's Children Choir

St. Peter's Choir Director, Jason June, and Director of Religious Education, Prudence Shaulis, are excited to continue the St. Peter's Children's Choir! If any NEW OR RETURNING child (ages 6 and up) would like to join, practices will begin on February 5th from 6:00PM-6:30PM. We will be practicing preparing to sing at Palm Sunday Vigil Mass on April 19th at 4:00PM.

The choir is open to ALL children from our parish including school, CCD and homeschool students. If your child is interested, please email Mrs. Shaulis directly at

This is a wonderful activity meant to empower our young Catholics to find a way to welcome God into their hearts, minds, and lives through singing!

Join the St. Peter's Children's Choir!

Join the St. Peter's Children's Choir! Jason June, our choir director, and Prudence Shaulis, our CCD director, are excited to announce the St. Peter's Children's Choir! All children from our parish (ages 6 and up) are welcome to join. Please reach out to Jason at or Prudence at for the link to sign-up or any questions. We want to empower our young Catholics to find a way to welcome God into their hearts, minds, and lives through singing!  Thank you and we look forward to welcoming and working with the St. Peter's Church kids!

Eucharistic Adoration

On the first Friday of every month, you have the opportunity to spend time with our Lord beginning after 7AM Mass in Eucharistic Adoration. Spening time with Jesus, fully present in the Eucharist, is an intimiate experience that Christ desires to have with you. "A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spend sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament."

Choosing Godparents for Baptism

In light of last week’s Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, here is the description of the role of Godparent for the Sacrament of Baptism. This is a review of the guidelines established by the Catholic Church concerning Godparent eligibility. These regulations should be considered before the parents of a child ask someone to be a Godparent for their son or daughter:  

·         The decision as to who should be a Godparent should be based upon who would provide the best example of Catholic living for the child and not merely for reasons of maintaining family harmony. A Godparent is chosen not primarily to honor the Godparent, but for the wellbeing and faith development of the child.  


·         In order to be a Godparent for Baptism, an individual must be a practicing Catholic, at least 16 years of age and have received the Sacraments of Initiation (i.e. Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation). 'Furthermore, if this person is married, then the marriage must be a valid, sacramental marriage (i.e. one recognized and blessed by the Catholic Church).  


·         The potential Godparent must be registered in a Catholic parish and able to obtain from his or her parish priest a letter of eligibility to be a Godparent. Only one Godparent is required by Church law. This Godparent may be a man or a woman. However, if two Godparents are selected (the more common practice), then there must be one man and one woman chosen. In other words, a child cannot have two men or two women as Godparents.  


·         In extraordinary situations when two Catholic Godparents cannot be found, then a baptized person who belongs to another Christian denomination (e.g. Methodist, Lutheran, or Presbyterian) may serve as a Christian Witness. However, former Catholics who have left the Catholic Church for another Christian denomination are not permitted to serve as Christian Witnesses.  


Since Baptism is the initial, foundational Sacrament in the life of a Catholic, great care must be taken in deciding who will serve as a Godparent. The guidelines above are meant to assist parents in making a reasonable and secure decision as to who will fulfill this critical role for their child. Since they are provided by the universal Church and individual priests are not vested with the authority to dispense from them, these guidelines will be strictly followed at St. Peters Church.

Please Join St. Peter's Choir!

St. Peter's Church choir rehearses at 6:45PM on Wednesday evenings in the choir loft and sings at 10am Mass every Sunday. We accept new members at any time throughout the year. Ages beginning at 8th grade and up and all ability levels are welcome (but specifically, we could use more low voices). If you’re interested in joining, please contact the choir director, Jason June, at (814)279-8132 (call or text) or simply come to a rehearsal on Wednesday evening. To quote St. Augustine, “To sing is to pray twice.”

RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Are you interested in becoming Catholic?

How does our parish attract new people to consider becoming Catholic? The short answer is: you!  Receiving people into full communion in the Catholic Church it is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.   When parish members open their hearts to welcome others, we become a welcoming and evangelizing community that takes seriously the call to share the Divine message of Salvation. This happens in parish families, in the workplace, in gatherings with friends and neighbors, and in our daily contacts. Thanks be to God as he continuously strengthens each of us who work to do his will in offering a gentle, humble, and clear welcome to people interested the Catholic faith.  We fulfill the Savior’s command: "Go out into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15)

What is RCIA? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process established for the universal Church for individuals to become Catholic and receive the sacraments of initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. This initiation process also involves a parish community experiencing a renewal in faith as it prepares and welcomes new members into the Church. The Rite speaks of this conversion as a "spiritual journey." Centered on fostering a deep relationship with Jesus and the Church he founded, this journey takes place through distinct stages over a period of time suitable to bring about a thorough catechesis, significant experience of the parish community, and commitment to the liturgical and moral life of the Catholic faithful.

Through, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults  (RCIA), interested non-baptized persons become catechumens, and catechumens become full members of the Catholic Church by means of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, which are referred to as the Sacraments of Initiation. Also, through RCIA, candidates, that is, those who have been validly baptized outside the Catholic Church but wish to become Catholics are received in Full Communion – they make a profession of the Catholic faith and are formally received into the Church. This is followed by confirmation and Eucharist!

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is primarily about conversion and as we adults know, we are always in need of conversion – a deep experience of God’s presence in our life within a loving community of faith.

·        Are you looking for a Church, a community of faith to call your own?

·        Do you struggle with questions about:

o   Life?

o   Death?

o   Suffering?

o   Hope?

o   Sacraments?

o   Forgiveness?

o   Love?

o   God?

·        Would you like a deeper meaning for your presence at Sunday's liturgy?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then the RCIA process could be for you. If you are not connected to any faith community, you are most welcome to explore the Catholic faith with us.  If you feel it is for you, you will be formally accepted into the Catholic Church in a solemn celebration at an Easter Vigil. RCIA is the ministry of God's welcoming embrace symbolized by the Church's acceptance of new members of the family of Catholic Christians. RCIA is a journey of faith that unbaptized persons as well as baptized persons complete with the help of a sponsor, the catechists, the parish family, and, above all, on the strength of their own conviction.

Sometimes we feel God calling us to a deeper relationship with Him, and we do not know what to do; and most often when we begin our return journey HOME to our Catholic faith and community. Do not be afraid of, or ignore this inner calling; it is the working of the Holy Spirit. If you are not yet Catholic and would like to answer this call to a deeper relationship with God, or married to a catholic, but not yet made a religious commitment of your own, or involved in our parish but never taken the step towards becoming a member in full communion with the church, or baptized, but not active in a church, or find yourself wanting more, or you have been away from your faith for a period of time and you would like to reconnect again with God through the Sacraments, the RCIA classes will begin on September 11, 2023.

We welcome you with open arms and encouragement on this new path in your life that God has prepared for you, and we promise to journey with you all along in prayers, encouragement, worship, and spiritual nurturing.

When I see people from our parish taking this next step or joining the RCIA, it is incredibly joyful and brings a smile to my face. To see the passion and desire of our catechumens and candidates to learn and grow in their faith is an awesome witness to me. We too, should continue to grow in our faith throughout our lives, not just in preparation for the sacraments. We are all called to that continuing conversion in our own lives. It's not just about learning more about God and His Church. It is getting to know God and His Church in our deeper relationship!

Deacon Mark

St. Peter School Substitute Teachers Needed

St. Peter School in Somerset, PA, is looking for some additional substitute teachers. Certification is not required for substitute teachers but a college degree is preferred. Contact the school for more information. 814-445-6662


St. Peter School Teacher Openings

St. Peter School has teacher openings for the 2023-2024 school year. We are looking for some special people to answer the call of being a Catholic school teacher and joining our school family. If you or someone you know is interested or would like more information about teaching at St. Peter School, please call Mrs. Harris at 814-445-6662 or send your resume to We offer a positive and respectful working environment, competitive salaries and benefits. And not to mention the heavenly rewards! We are also looking for some additional substitute teachers. Certification is not required for substitute teachers and a college degree is preferred. Contact the school for more information. 

Summer Prayer

Loving Father. May we make our homes places of relaxation, joy, love, peace and safety. May we be generous and considerate not thinking only about ourselves but helping others enjoy the blessings of summertime. Lord God, Creator of all things, guide our steps and strengthen our hearts during these months of summer and vacation days. Grant us refreshment of mind and body. May we constantly strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our loved ones and in the world around us as we enjoy the warm days of summertime. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen

Mass & Social to honor St. Peter's Parish 2023 Graduates!

CONGRATULATIONS Class of 2023 High School and College Graduates from St. Peter’s Parish! You and your immediate family members are cordially invited to attend a recognition Mass on Sunday, June 4, at 12:15pm followed by a social in the parish hall. Please see the attached link and return the RSVP to the Parish Office by May 30th. .

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Blessing of the Walkway to Prayer Garden

Thanks to the generosity of the Betty Lou and Dave Svonavec Family we now have a walkway to our beautiful Prayer Garden (behind St. Peter School). On Sunday May 7, after the 12:15pm Mass, we will have a procession and blessing of this new walkway. The Prayer Garden is a beautiful and peaceful area of our parish complex. Please plan to attend.

100th Anniversary Directory

It’s FREE! And it’s for every family (whether one person or many) in our parish! Your copy of the newly published 100th Anniversary Directory will be available for pick up after all Masses this weekend, April 29th and 30th . This gift was created to remember the founding of St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Somerset and to celebrate our parish family since that time. Enjoy!

7th to 11th Grade NET Retreat!

Join us on TUESDAY, APRIL 25, at 5-9PM, for our NET Retreat Event here at St. Peter's! We will enjoy fellowship, meeting real life Catholic Missionaries and growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Bring a friend, free pizza and snacks will be provided. No registration is needed.  Come as you are!  Everything is more fun when someone shares it with you. Open your mind and heart and claim your identity in Christ, which truly sets you be who God created you to be! See you on April 25 at 5PM in the Parish Hall. 

100th Anniversary News!

The St. Peter's 100th Anniversary/Directories are coming! They will be distributed after weekend Masses on April 15th and 16th. Thank you to Father Patti for his support and encouragement of this project. We also thank the many, wonderful parishioners who spent hundreds of hours to bring you this historic, first St. Peter’s Parish Directory. Everyone did their best to provide a professional publication for you. 


St. Peter’s Women’s Group Invites You To Attend 2023 Spring Calendar Party Luncheon

St. Peter's Women's Group Invites all women of the parish to attend the annual Spring Calendar Party Luncheon.  Please see the attached brochure for contact information and details.  Hope to see you there!

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Your Taxes. Your Choice. Help St. Peter School Through EITC

Did you know that YOU can keep your tax dollars right here at St. Peter Catholic School?  The funding that comes from the EITC program can help our school offset the cost of tuition for our families.  Anyone earning, on average, $35,000 or more per year can direct their tax dollars to our school.  If you’re looking to help our school raise funding through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program, please do  any of the following:

·        Contact our scholarship partners at RedefinED at 814.419.5505 or

·        Attend any of the following  ZOOM Informational Meetings:

o   EITC Participation as Individual or Family:  Tuesday 2/21 or Thursday 2/23 at 6:00 pm

Click Here for Individual or Family ZOOM Meeting Link

o   EITC Participation as Business:  Tuesday, March 7 at 6:00 pm

Click Here for Business Information ZOOM Meeting Link


·        Attend an Appreciation and Informational Luncheon at St. Peter’s Parish Hall on Thursday, March 9th at Noon where we will thank our donors and provide information to anyone who may be interested in participating without any obligation to do so.  This event will also include a tour of St. Peter School to witness the amazing things that EITC is providing at our school.  To attend, please RSVP by March 3, 2023 to

St. Peter's Parish Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation Program

Congratulations on your engagement! We share your happiness as you approach the sacrament of marriage. To help you prepare for your marriage, we invite you to St. Peter's Parish Pre-Cana Program.

St. Peter's Parish offers our marriage preparation program as an opportunity to introduce you to the theology of the sacrament, spiritual resources and practical tools to help you develop a strong and healthy marriage – a marriage that lasts a lifetime. This time as a couple is a gift to help you step away from the details of planning for your wedding day, in order to focus your attention on your faith, each other and God.

This Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation is a mandatory requirement for all diocesan couples contemplating marriage in the upcoming year. The dates are March 18 and March 25 here at St. Peter’s. Cost is $70 per couple payable at the first session. Make check payable to “Family Life Office”. If you plan to attend please call the Rectory at 814-443-6574 or sign online at 

Big Cash Give-Away!

Please support our winter fundraiser, “Big Cash Give-Away!”.  The ticket features cash prizes for every day in January 2023. This Big Cash Give-Away ticket plays the entire month of January and is taken from the 1st "Pick 3 State Daily Lottery" drawing at 7PM. Cash prizes are $100, $150, $300 and $500. The cost of the ticket is $10. Tickets are available in the parish rectory Monday through Friday, 9AM to 3PM, and in the church vestibule after weekend Masses.

Notice of Mass schedule change

There will not be a 7AM Mass this Monday, November 21.  There will be a funeral Mass for Nancy Harvey at 10AM. 

Mass on Thanksgiving Day will be at 9AM. Have a thankful and blessed Thanksgiving.

St. Peter's Annual Holiday Bazaar

Join us on Saturday, November 5, from 1-6PM and Sunday, November 6, from 9AM to 2PM for our annual Holiday Bazaar in St. Peter's parish hall, 433 West Church Street, Somerset.  We will feature over 100 beautiful theme baskets.  There will also be a bake sale, cash raffle and lottery raffle.  Please join us!

Mass Change for Friday, November 4

Please note there will not be an 11:15AM Mass on Friday, November 4, due to the fact there will be a funeral Mass at 10AM. 

St. Peter's Church Women's Group Annual Christmas Party!

All are cordially invited to attend!

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St. Peter's Women's Group Fall Retreat

St. Peter's Church Women's Group is sponsoring a Fall Retreat at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in New Baltimore, PA, on Saturday, October 15, from 9AM to 6PM. We will depart at 8am from the Columbia Avenue parking lot of St. Peter's Church. Carpooling is available. Activities include presentations by Fr. Mark Pattock on St. Padre Pio, group discussions, time for personal reflection, rosary. There will also be an opportunity for the sacrament of reconciliation. The day will conclude with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Refreshments will be available and a meal will be served at noon.

Cost for the retreat is $20.  Please make check payable to Sue Sube and mail to 404 Dott Avenue, Somerset, Pa 15501.  For information or questions, please call Sue (814)-442-6168.  All ladies are WELCOME!!!

St. Therese Tridium & Anointing of the Sick

Join us for three days of prayer to honor St. Therese a great and humble saint of our time. The Tridium will be held on Thursday, September 29,Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1. There will be Mass on Thursday and Friday evening at 7PM. The closing Mass of the Tridium will be on Saturday at 4PM. There will be a Communal Anointing of the Sick on Friday evening.  This Sacrament gives healing, strength and the grace of Jesus Christ to its afflicted members. Any Catholic who is seriously ill, weakened by old age, chronically ill, or facing surgery, should receive this Sacrament. Confessions will be heard before Mass on Thursday and Friday.

Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit At St. Peter's Parish

Employment Opportunity! Part Time Maintenance

St. Peter's Church has an immediate opening for a part time maintenance person. The work would involve general maintenance, lawn care and other janitorial help as needed. Interested applicants should contact the parish rectory or Charlie Sanner during normal business hours, 814-443-6574.


DAVID, the Musical at Sight & Sound Theater in Lancaster

St. Peter's Women's Group is sponsoring a bus trip to see the sensational musical, DAVID, at Sight & Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA on Wednesday, September 28.  The cost is $155.00 which includes the bus, ticket to the show and smorgasbord dinner at Hershey Farms Restaurant & Inn after the show.  Flyers with information and reservation form are located on the table in the church vestibule.  Please send in your reservation form as soon as possible as seating is limited!

2022 Catholic Women's Conference

St. Peter's Women's Group will be arranging car-pooling for any ladies wishing to attend the 2022 Catholic Women's Conference - STRENGTH IN CHRIST - sponsored by the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown on Saturday, September 10th, at Holy Name Church in Ebensburg.  Registration forms with information are on the table in the church vestibule. There is a sign-up poster on the main door coming into Church.  Deadline to register is August 31st.

Having a Baby Baptized?

The Baptismal Preparation Class is required for all parents who wish to have their first child baptized at St. Peter’s. The program describes the history, theology, and the meaning behind the symbols and rituals of the Sacrament, as well as the Rite itself, and the roles and responsibilities of the parents and Godparents. Additional reading material is provided. The sessions are typically held on the first and third Thursday of every month in the Annex Library Classroom. Registration is required by contacting Deacon Mark at (814) 233-9285. Please be aware that the class needs to be completed before the baptism occurs.

Altar Servers Wanted

Is God calling you to serve as an Altar Server at Mass?  This ministry is vital to the Church’s Liturgical celebrations. Saint Peter’s Altar Server ministry is a group of young people who assist the Priest and Deacon by serving at the altar in a prayerful manner during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is an extreme honor and privilege to kneel so close to the altar as our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, becomes truly present, body, blood, soul, and divinity, at the moment of Consecration.  An altar server has the solemn responsibility to perform the assigned duties with attention, dignity, and reverence. There are several duties involved with being an altar server; however, the most important is that of prayer leader. As an altar server, you will help those who are attending Mass listen. You will help the service flow smoothly so that the congregation can concentrate on all the wonderful sounds surrounding them: the music, the prayers of the priest, and the words of Sacred Scripture. With your help, the parishioner’s time of worship will become more meaningful.


Some of the tasks Altar Servers perform include carrying the Cross, holding the book for the priest when he is not standing at the altar, presenting the bread, wine and water to the priest, and assisting him in gathering the gifts from the people as well as many other things.  Considering how critical these tasks are to the Mass, the new Altar Servers will participate in a comprehensive training. They will receive instruction on the Mass and its parts, their meaning, the many objects used in the liturgy (names and usage) and the various functions of the servers. In addition to some formal training, they work with the more experienced altar servers as they learn their responsibilities.  Please contact Deacon Mark at (814) 233-9285 for more information.  Dates for Altar Server Trainings will be announced in the Bulletin.


St. Peter's Annual Auction and Barbeque will be held on Sunday, June 26, from 11AM to 4PM on the parish grounds (433 West Church Street, Somerset, Pa).  The Auction will begin at 1:30PM. The Auction features all new items and gift certificates.   

We will have delicious BBQ Chicken and Ribs dinners, a refreshment stand, a cash raffle, a theme basket raffle, an ice cream booth and a used book sale. Please come and enjoy an afternoon of great food and fun!  


Women's Group Spring Luncheon

All women of the parish are invited to our Women's Group Spring Luncheon on Sunday, May 22, 2022.  Please use the link below to see more information and an RSVP form.

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St. Peter's 100th Anniversary/Directory Photo Schedule for Ministries/Groups

Photos for Ministries and Groups will be taken on April 3 and 10.

April 3 in the church:
11:00 - Women’s Group
11:07 - Greeters
11:14 - Extraordinary Ministers
11:21 - Lectors
11:30 - Ushers
11:35 - Knights of Columbus
11:40 - Church Cleaners

April 3 in Annex
12:05 - Funeral Choir / tentative
12:10 - Nursing Home Visitors
12:25 - Open
12:20 - Birthright (or may be on April 10)
12:25 - Parish Council (tentative- may be done at their meeting)

A session will be scheduled for April 10 from 11:15 - 1:00 as needed. Please come 15 minutes early to allow for paperwork. Check with your group leader if any questions.
Call or text Deb Niemiec @ 814-233-2591 for any additions or changes.

St. Peter's Church Big Cash Give Away Sweepstakes!

St. Peter's Church is holding a cash give-away sweepstakes during the month of May 2022.  Each day of May features a different cash prize of anywhere from $100 to $1000.  A total of $5,000 will be given away during the month of May.  The winning number each day is taken from the first "Pick 3 Pennsylvania Daily Lottery" drawing at 7PM.  Tickets are available in the parish office during regular business hours. (9AM - 3PM) Tickets are also available after weekend Masses the weekend of April 2 & 3 in the church vestibule.  Please support this important fundraiser at St. Peter's Church.  

St. Peter's Parishioners Invited to Attend Mass for Ukraine in Altoona

Bishop Mark has announced a special Mass in communion with Pope Francis and in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and Russia. This special Mass will be celebrated on Friday, March 25, at 5:30PM at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament in Altoona. Confessions will be heard at 4PM.  The Rosary will be prayed at 4:30PM.
St. Peter's Church would like to coordinate car-pooling for anyone interested in attending this special Mass. 
Please contact Debbie Menser ASAP at 814-445-2869
#1    If you would be willing to drive to Altoona and how many individuals you are able to bring in your vehicle
#2    If you would like to attend but are not able to drive
We will be departing from St. Peter's Church on Friday, March 25th, after Mary's Way of the Cross Stations, approximately 2:00pm. Please plan to meet at 1:50PM in the parking lot off of South Comunbia Avenue.  If time permits, we may stop on the way to Altoona at a fast food restaurant.  Please contact Debbie with any questions.

St. Peter's Church 100th Anniversary Directory Update

View information on the St. Peter's Church 100th Anniversary Directory Update View PDF

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday, March 2, marks the beginning of the Season of Lent. It is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday.  Ashes will be distributed Wednesday morning at 7AM Mass and at 7PM Mass Wednesday evening.  (The 11:15 Mass is for St. Peters School students only)

Save the Date!

The Shroud of Turin Talk will be coming to St. Peter’s Catholic Church, 433 W. Church St., Somerset on Tuesday, April 5, at 7:00 P.M.  In 2013 Bill Wingard established “Shroud Talks” to present the history and science of the Shroud of Turin and tackle the biggest mystery…Is the Shroud the actual burial cloth of Jesus?  You are invited to hear the talk and see the full-size replica of the Shroud of Turin.  Attendees are encouraged to bring their cameras.  Priests will be available following the presentation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  No tickets are required; a free will offering will be collected.  For more information, contact Deacon Mark Komula at (814) 233-9285 or email  All are welcome!   

March For Life Bus Trip Planned

The National March For Life in Washington DC will take place on Friday, Jan. 21, 2022. You are invited to be part of the special delegation to represent St. Peter’s Church. Our parish has reserved a motor coach to transport us to the nation’s capital where a throng of over 500,000 faith-filled Americans will seek the legal protection of pre-born human life. It will be a peaceful, prayerful, patriotic day. Please join us, especially if you have never witnessed a March For Life. It will be an experience of a lifetime. The day will be filled with sights and sounds of joy and purpose that we will never forget. Please call the rectory (814-443-6574) to register for the March. Please join us and be exhilarated and inspired having been a part of the holy and just cause for life. The trip is open to all. Anyone under the age of 18 must bring a parental permission slip to the rectory before Jan. 21. The bus will depart from St. Peter's parking lot at 8AM. Bring along a packed lunch or snacks.  We will stop for dinner on the way home. The cost of the bus trip is $10. 


Please Note Mass Time Changes:

There WILL NOT be a Mass at 4:15PM on December 31, 2021. There WILL BE a 10:00AM Mass on Saturday, January 1, 2022.  There WILL NOT be a 4:00PM Mass on Saturday, January 1, 2022.  There is only one Mass for the New Year on Saturday, Janauary 1, and that is at 10AM.  Thank you and have a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year!


100th Anniversary Historical Pictorial Directory Photo Schedule

The schedule for individual and family photos for our St. Peter's Church 100th Anniversary Historic Directory is available in the vestibule.  The photographer will be available Saturday, January 15th, after 4pm Mass and Sunday, Jan 16th, beginning at 9am and also Saturday, Jan 29th, after 4pm Mass and Sunday, Jan 30th, beginning at 9am.  Please sign-up at your earliest convenience.  Please contact Debbie Niemiec 814-233-2591 or Denise Demchak 814-395-5079 with any questions.

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

Wednesday, December 8, is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, a holy day of obligation. Mass times are Tuesday, December 7 at 4:15pm and Wednesday December 8 at 7:00am. 

The Wednesday, December 8, Mass at 11:15AM is for St. Peter School students and staff ONLY.  

St. Peter Women's Group Christmas Party

St. Peter's Church Women's Group cordially invites ALL ladies of our Parish to attend our annual Christmas Party on Sunday, December 5th, beginning with the recitation of the rosary at 11:30am in the church and then the celebration of holy Mass at 12:15pm followed by a luncheon at 1:30pm at the Heritage Barn in Rockwood.  Details are available on the easel in the vestibule of St. Peter's Church.

Sharing Christmas Blessings!

"Sharing Christmas Blessings" is a project sponsored by St. Peter's Parish Women's Group. We are asking for donations of Christmas cards and Christmas stickers which will be signed and sent to residents of our local nursing homes.  We have provided a bin in St. Peter's Church vestibule for the cards and stickers.  Thanks in advance for your generosity!!!

St. Peter's Annual Holiday Bazaar

St. Peter's Annual Holiday Bazaar will be held Saturday, November 13, from 1PM - 6PM and Sunday, November 14, from 9AM - 2PM in the parish hall. There are over 120 beauriful theme baskets ranging from cookware to holiday decorations to children items. There will also be a cash raffle, a bake sale and a homemade soup sale (sold by the quart). Come and enjoy!

No 11:15 Mass Friday, November 12

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Friday, November 12th Mass at 11:15AM will be canceled.  The Mass intention will be rescheduled.  Thank you. 

No 11:15AM Mass - November 5

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Friday, November 5th Mass at 11:15AM will be canceled.  The Mass intention will be rescheduled.  Thank you. 

St. Peter’s Parish Historical Pictorial Directory Survey

Thanks for choosing to answer our survey on the St. Peter’s Parish Historical Pictorial Directory.  Because we’re asking for contact information as part of this survey, you will be asked to set up a Google account as part of the process.  This is to ensure that your information is kept secure.  If you already have gmail, you already have a Google account.  Thanks again for your response to our survey. 

Click here to take the online survey

A Bible Study on “The Chosen” to begin September 29th

St. Peter’s Catholic Church will begin a Bible Study based on the video series “The Chosen.”  What is the “The Chosen?”  “The Chosen” is an award-winning Internet series that is sweeping the world, with more than 260 million views.  Based on the gospel stories with which we are already familiar, this series portrays the early Apostles in a more human light.  Come join us as a faith community to view each episode and participate in a facilitated discussion. 

If you haven’t yet seen “The Chosen,” then you are in store for a real treat.  This series on the life of Jesus Christ combines first-rate acting with an imaginative retelling of the Gospel stories; but how faithful is it to the accounts found in Sacred Scripture?  Most viewers would probably agree that “The Chosen” uses license in an imaginative and skillful way, while still remaining faithful to the Gospel accounts.  You’ll see events from the lives of Peter, Nicodemus, Zebedee, Matthew, and others that do not appear in the Biblical texts.  This is not at all surprising.  Many films on the life of Christ have used dramatic license to some degree in their retelling of the life of Jesus.  The creators of this series manage to weave Scriptural and non-Scriptural elements together into a very cohesive and stimulating whole. “The Chosen” is taking the internet and the world by storm… come and see Jesus as you have never experienced him before!! 

Bible study for Season One of “The Chosen” will begin on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. in the Annex and will be held for 8 weeks.  If you plan to attend, please call the church office during regular business hours to register (814) 443-6574.

The Chosen - Bible Study Guide Season One
The Chosen Bible Study Schedule Season One

Wanted: Director of Youth Ministry

This is a paid position. St. Peters young people, grades 6-10, are in need of a vibrant faith-filled young adult to lead and shape them as they navigate thru these crazy times. Applicant must be a practicing Catholic who enjoys working with this age group. We are looking for a creative planner who dreams up and executes events and  programs with faith, fun and community-building in mind. Please call the St. Peter's Rectory to arrange for an in person interview.

Together, Pro-Life Pennsylvania Marches for Life!

Join us for the Pennsylvania March for Life at the Capitol Building in Harrisburg, PA on September 27, 2021. The rally (11 AM) and march (12 noon) will take place on Monday, September 27th, because it is the first day when both the Pennsylvania House and Senate will be back in session in Harrisburg.

The charter bus will leave the St. Peter’s parking lot at 7:30 am and return by 5:00 pm including a dinner stop on the way home. Cost is $25, and sponsored by the St. Peter Church Women's Group

This is an excellent opportunity for anyone to learn about the specific and current issues Pennsylvania is facing, and what you can do right now to champion pro-life policies to your PA elected representatives. We can all be heroes for one day! Heroes are those who confront evil, and with so much evil around us: (abortion on demand, partial birth abortion, human fetal research) we tend to forget what a wonderful time we are living through-- not in spite of the troubles all around us, but precisely because of the troubles. We were made for Heaven. But on this earth, we were made for fighting against evil and we must charge ahead with joy in our hearts that this is the mission we have been given. Join Us!! For more information or to sign up call Kim Stiffler: 814-233-6727.

UPDATE: Sale Donations will be dontated to St. Peter's Parishioners who lost their home to fire.

St. Peter's Church Women's Group has decided to donate the proceeds from the Gently Used Jewelry/Purse Sale this weekend (August 14-15) to parishioners, Gary & Eileen Singel, who lost their home and all their possessions in a devastating fire. Please stop by St. Peter's parish hall after all Masses this weekend. The jewelry and purses will be very reasonably priced.  Your support is very much appreciated!

St. Peter's Women's Group Luncheon & Accessory Sale

llSt. Peter's Church Women's Group cordially invites all ladies of our parish to a Covered Dish Luncheon and Gently Used Jewelry/Purse Sale on Saturday, August 14, in the Parish Hall.  Doors open at Noon for Early Bird Shopping and the Luncheon will begin at 12:30 with praying the rosary. Please bring along your rosary beads.  Those attending are asked to bring a salad or dessert.  To RSVP please contact Ruth Keefer (814-701-2182) by Monday, August 9th.  The Gently Used Jewelry/Purse Sale will continue after Masses the weekend of August 14th-15th>

Pilgrimage to Saint Joseph Mission Church

St. Peter’s Women's Group invites ALL PARISHIONERS to join us on a Pilgrimage to Saint Joseph Mission Church, Hart's Sleeping Place, in Carrolltown, PA on Sunday, August 1st.  We have arranged a 30 passenger mini- bus for the transportation, leaving St Peter's parking lot at approximately 12:15pm. The day will include self-guided tours of the church and grounds, an opportunity for Reconciliation and an outdoor Mass with Bishop Mark Bartchak at 4pm. There will be a stop at a fast food restaurant on the way home.  The cost is $20.00 per person.  For information or to RSVP, please contact Denise Demchak at 814-395-5079 or no later than July 15th.  Information regarding St Joseph Mission Church may be viewed at

Come Celebrate With Us!

Congratulations to newly ordained Father Mark Groeger and Deacon Mark Komula, members of St. Peter's parish!  We are planning celebratory receptions for the next two weekends after all of our weekend Masses.  On Saturday and Sunday, June 5 and 6 we will have a reception for Father Mark Groeger following all weekend Masses in the tent near the church.  And on Saturday and Sunday, June 12 and 13, we will have a reception for Deacon Mark Komula following all weekend Masses in the tent near the church. Please join us!

Prayer Pillows

Members of St. Peter’s Women's Group are making little Prayer Pillows to share with our parishioners. These pillows are intended to be used as an aide in prayer or meditation (similar to Rosary beads) especially when we are visiting for Eucharistic Adoration.  There is a small cross embedded in the pillow and the pillows are the size to fit in the palm of your hand. We will have the Prayer Pillows available in baskets near the entrances of church as of this Friday, April 23rd. Parishioners are encouraged to take one home for their use.


St. Peter's Church Holy Week Schedule

We are now entering into the most sacred week of the Church Year, as we celebrate the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.  Let us enter into this Holy Week by making time to participate in our special celebrations.  THERE ARE SEVERAL CHANGES TO OUR CELEBRATIONS DUE TO COVID–19, most notably, the Easter Vigil will begin at 4:00 PM.


Monday, March 29: 7:00 AM, Morning Mass


Tuesday, March 30: 7:00 AM, Morning Mass, 7 PM Confessions with 2 priests

Wednesday, March 31: 7:00 AM, Morning Mass, 2-4 PM Confessions with 2 priests, 7 PM Confessions with 3 priests


Holy Thursday, April 1: 7:00 PM, Mass of the Lord's Supper; Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 10;00 PM

Good Friday, April 2: 3:00 PM, Liturgy of the Lord's Passion, (Liturgy of the Word, Veneration of the Cross, Holy Communion) *A genuflection or bow will replace the kissing of the cross as veneration this year.


Holy Saturday, April 3: 10AM Blessing of the Easter Food Baskets, 4PM Solemn Easter Vigil (Liturgies of Light, Word, Initiation Sacraments and Eucharist)  There is no gathering for the Blessing of the fire or use of individual candles.

Easter Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 12:15 PM


St. Peter’s Parish Needs Your Help! 

FISH DINNER SURVEY ALERT! Due to the pandemic, there will be modifications to our annual Lenten Fish Dinners but we’re hoping to pull together a tasty alternative and having help and input from the parish will make it even more successful. Just for this year there are plans for a Soup Sale on at least two Fridays (March 5 and March 19) featuring different kinds of soup and bread.Please use the link below to read about these changes to our Lenten Fish Dinner and take a very short survey about it as well.  The survey will be open until February 15th.  Thank you!

Mary's Way of the Cross Stations

St. Peter's Church Women's Group cordially invites ALL parishioners to join us every FRIDAY during LENT at 1:00pm in St. Peter's Church to pray Mary's Way of the Cross stations (masks required), which attempt to present the viewpoint through Mary's eyes of what Jesus was going through on the way to Calvary.  Booklets are available at the parish office Monday-Friday 8am to 4pm (Please wear your mask if stopping by the office), after Masses the weekend of February 13-14 in the vestibule and also the Fridays during Lent.  This is another opportunity to enhance our Lenten journey and will be live streamed on our St. Peters Church facebook page.

Monthly Recitation of Rosary & Prayers

ALL parishioners are invited to join St. Peter's Women's Group in the monthly Recitation of the ROSARY and prayers on Monday, February 15th, at 1:00pm in St. Peter's Church.  If you are unable to join us in person, please pray along with us as we live stream on our St. Peters Church facebook page.

St. Peter School Announces 2021-2022 Registration

Since 1961, St. Peter School has been assisting students to encounter Christ through the pursuit of academic excellence, social consciousness, emotional growth, religious formation, and physical development- all within a caring community. Our students are challenged to grow in mind and spirit with an awareness of their role in the world to serve others in prayer and action.  Recognizing the unique gifts that God has given to each of us, students and teachers strive each day to use their gifts and talents to better themselves, their communities and the world around them.  St. Peter School has an enrollment of 104 students in grades K-6.  Students receive a well-rounded education that offers students many varied learning experiences.  St. Peter School is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Elementary Schools and serves Catholic and non-Catholic children from four different local school districts.  The highly trained faculty of St. Peter School is both dedicated and faithful to the promise and excellence of Catholic Education.

If you would like to give your child the advantage of an excellent education in a caring and loving environment with faith-centered values…come see what Catholic Education is all about at St. Peter School. Registration for the 2021-2022 school year will begin on Sunday, January 31st and run till February 21st. Students registering for Kindergarten are to be five years old before September 1, 2021.  Registration Forms will be available at all the Open House times and it can also be downloaded on the “Forms and Documents” page of St. Peter School Website.  Please bring birth certificate, any baptismal certificate and immunization records for registration and there is a $25 Registration Fee.

Due to the COVID Pandemic, we will hold three Open House sessions during non-school hours only for families registering new students.  You may call and arrange a time during one of these sessions and tour and ask questions about the school.  We can also register students at that time. You can reach the school from 7 am – 3pm Monday – Friday at 814-445-6662.  Our Open House dates are:

Sunday, January 31: 1-3pm, Tuesday, February 2: 4-6pm, Thursday, February 4:  6-8pm

Here's a link to St. Peter School website: 

2021 March for Life

The 2021 March for Life will take place virtually on Friday, January 29. The March for Life Education and Defense Fund, the organization behind the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., said the decision was made due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the risk of unrest in the nation’s capital.

A PRO LIFE PRAYER: God of All Goodness, You have entrusted us with the gift of life. Help us to appreciate that gift from the first moments of conception to the last breaths of old age. Send Your strength to all those who defend the unborn, the weak, and the dying against attempts to cut short their lives. May Your Holy Spirit touch the hearts of those who are tempted to choose the way of death rather than life. Grant that Your people may always be a sign of Your love in the world   Amen

Rosary & Prayers

Please join St. Peter's parishioners for recitation of the rosary and other prayers on Friday, January 15, at 1:00pm in St. Peter's Church. This event will be live streamed on our St Peters Church Facebook page for anyone unable to attend in person. We invite all parishioners to join us either in person or virtually.  This is amazing technology that enables us to PRAY together!!!  If you have not already done so, please search for our St Peter's Church Facebook Page and click the "Like" button to follow our parish.  Pray along with us.  If you are unable to join in at the designated time, you may view it at a later time.

Christmas Mass Times

Christmas Eve: 3PM, 5PM and 7PM

Christmas Day: 10AM

Have a Blessed Christmas from St. Peter's Church!

A Letter From A Concerned Parishioner

To my dear fellow parishioners, Catholics and friends of St. Peter's Church, This pandemic has been so hard for all of us, and “like a deer longs for running streams, my soul longs for the Lord”. I would love to attend mass and receive Jesus in the Eucharist, but have not been able to do so. I have come to church, seen the signs that say, “Masks Required” and have seen the directives from the bishop that say that Masks are Required, but when I look in the door, many people are not wearing masks. For this reason, I am prevented from that one thing that I so desperately need. You see, I am the parent of a child with a chronic condition. Our family lives like we’re in a pandemic all the time. Our other kids miss out on things that will put their brother at risk every single day. Our family has learned that by avoiding any unnecessary public contact, and wearing a mask, we reduce the risk of bringing home any virus that could cause our boy to become gravely ill or lose his life. From my perspective, it’s like watching my kid swim in a shark tank. What might just be a cold to most people, could be death to my son. I’m not a hypochondriac, my son is compromised, and Covid-19 presents an even greater risk. The point is, whether I have a child with a chronic condition, or a child or family member on chemotherapy, or I work at a hospital or nursing home or have a family member who takes medication to suppress their immune system, I can’t go to mass with a group of people who are not wearing masks. The surgeon general of the U.S. has advised us to wear masks, as doing so minimizes the spread of the virus; he seems to me a reliable source of information. If you have some condition that prevents you from being able to wear a mask, I feel for you. If it is your choice to not wear a mask, please understand that you are taking away my ability to attend mass and receive Holy Communion. If you truly want to demonstrate your love for neighbor, pray for my family, thank God you aren’t in my position – and hope you never are - and wear a mask to mass. Either way, I will keep you in my prayers, and hope that God will open all our hearts and minds to live in His service.

Prayers for Priests and Vocations

We have begun a Prayer Initiative for the Priests of our Diocese. Please consult our November Parish Calendar where you will find the name of a different priest (weekdays) beginning with Bishop Mark Bartchak.  Please remember these Servants of GOD in your daily prayers. Also Pray for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. 

Prayers for our Seminarian Mark!

Monthly Recitation of Rosary

The Women's Group cordially invites EVERYONE to join us for our Monthly Recitation of the Rosary on Thursday, Oct 15, at 1:00pm in the Prayer Garden behind St Peter School.  There are concrete benches available or bring a folding chair and your mask if you wish.  Please park off Columbia Ave. No parking in the area in front of the school.  If we experience inclement weather we will pray in Church. Please join us in Prayer to our Blessed Mother for our needs and those of our World.

Diocesan Universal Guidelines for Returning to Mass

As public Masses and the celebration of the sacraments resume in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, each parish has specific guidelines and safety precautions the faithful must follow, but there are some universal guidelines and reminders for parishioners no matter their parish. They include the following: 

Bishop Mark has waived the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days until further notice.

MASKS MUST BE WORN at Mass, during the celebration of Reconciliation, and ALL other liturgical or parish functions.

SOCIAL DISTANCING MUST be observed at all times. (The number of persons permitted to attend Mass in a church or other approved indoor location is not determined by a set number recommended by public health personnel. It is determined by the number of persons who can be accommodated within that space according to the plan for safe physical distances in each church. We are using the standard of 6 feet between those not from the same household.)

There should be no hand-shaking during the sign of peace nor at any other time.

The Precious Blood will be not offered until further notice.

Faithful are encouraged to support their parish through online giving or by mailing their weekly offertory or dropping it off at their parish.

The live broadcast of the Sunday Mass airs every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. on WATM ABC 23 and at 9:00 p.m. on Atlantic Broadband channel 9.

St. Peter's Church reopens for Masses!

 Dear Parishioners and friends,

Great News!  We will be re-opening St. Peter Parish Church for our normal weekend schedule starting Saturday, June 13, 2020.  It has been a long journey from that fateful Friday, March 13th day when we had to cancel our very popular Fish Dinner, to the “Stay-at-Home order,” all the way to our Churches being locked down to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.

However, it helped us to rely more strongly on God and His providence, and to grow in our Catholic Faith, as we came up with many faith-filled and creative ways to pray and worship.  Finally, we are coming to the end of this long sojourn.  Our Church is once again open for prayer, we have been hearing Confessions and receiving Holy Communion, and now, this weekend, we will begin having our normal schedule of Saturday evening/Sunday Masses in the Church.

As we move forward, we continue to pray for all who have died during this pandemic and all families affected.  Things will be a little different when you come back to Church.

The Church has been cleaned and scrubbed from top to bottom

There will be hand sanitizers and disinfectant wipes throughout the Church.

Masks are required.  However, if you have a medical condition or cannot wear a mask, please make sure you maintain a six-foot separation.

If you have been exposed to the virus within 14 days, I kindly ask that you do not attend Mass.  Also, if you are not feeling well, please stay home.

If you are uncomfortable attending Mass, you may stay at home, as this is a personal decision and you are absolutely not obligated to attend Mass at this time.  

Thank you to all who have been so generous with contributions during this pandemic.  The financial support of St. Peter’s is very important, as we must continue to pay our bills.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the office.  Thank you again for your patience, understanding and generosity.  Please know that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers and may God Bless and Protect each of you.

With warm regards and prayer,

Fr. Angelo J. Patti


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Following the Bishop’s announcement this week, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will begin this weekend. At St. Peter’s Church in Somerset, PA confession be offered on Saturdays at 2:45PM in the church. Father Angelo Patti will be in the Groom's Room, located to the left as you enter the front of the church, and Monsignor Samuel Tomaselli will be in the Sacristy. Confessions will also be heard daily at 1:30PM in those same locations. Please remember to social distance in the church and follow the guidelines put forth by the Bishop and the CDC.

St. Peter's Church Now Open for Visitation

St. Peter’s Church, Somerset, PA will be open each day from 7AM to 4PM for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Those who come to church for personal prayer need to recognize the risk of possible unintended exposure to the coronavirus and refrain if they are sick or at a greater risk of susceptibility to COVID-19. 

Meet our Seminarian!

Mark Groeger, Member of Saint Peter Parish in Somerset and attending Saint Vincent Seminary in Latrobe


Prayer for Vocations

God our Father, You made each of us to use our gifts in the Body of Christ. We ask that You inspire young people whom You call to the priesthood and consecrated life to courageously follow Your will.  Send workers into Your great harvest so that the Gospel is preached, the poor are served with love, the suffering are comforted, and Your people are strengthened by the sacraments. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen 


Prayer for Seminarians

Father, thank You for the generosity of our seminarians. Safeguard them as they prepare for the priesthood. Keep all evil far from them, so they may become strong Christian men who are faithful to prayer, diligent in their studies, open to spiritual direction, and docile to all aspects of seminary formation. Above all, enflame their hearts with love so they will be ardent and gentle shepherds for Your Church. We make this prayer through the great High Priest, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Charles Borromeo, patron of seminarians, pray for us.


St. Peter's Church Coronavirus Updates

St. Peter’s Parish rectory will be open Monday through Friday from 10am-2pm.  If you have any questions about an event you had planned (Baptism, Weddings etc.) please call the rectory during office hours (814-443-6574).

Thank you to all who have been so faithful with contributions during this pandemic.  The financial support of St. Peter’s Parish is very important, as we must continue to pay our bills. You may mail your envelope to 433 West Church Street, Somerset, PA 15501. Or you may set up for On-Line Giving through our parish website.

At this time, our beautiful church will remain closed until further notice, due to the new directive for all Pennsylvanians to shelter- in- place.

We pray for your continued strength and courage. We hope to see you soon!  "May the Lord lift up your heart, at Easter and always!

Confessions Cancelled

In light of the public health crisis that the COVID-19 virus has created, St. Peter’s Church of Somerset, PA, has made the decision to cancel Confessions, usually held on Saturdays at 2:45PM,  until further notice.  

Parishioners asked for Continued Support

Although we have suspended public Masses and liturgical celebrations as directed by Bishop Mark L. Bartchak, the financial needs of the parish remain, including maintenance of facilities and grounds, additional cleaning expenses and increased cleaning schedules to provide a safe environment for our parishioners. St. Peter’s Church depends on the generous weekly offerings of our faithful parishioners and benefactors to continue the upkeep of our beautiful parish buildings and grounds. Offerings can made through our Online Giving portal at or sent via mail to the Rectory, 433 West Church St., Somerset, PA, 15501. Should your family be experiencing difficult financial times, we certainly understand, and simply ask you to keep the Church, all the sick and suffering, especially those affected by the coronavirus, in your prayers, as well as all world and local leaders, as we continue our Lenten journey to Easter glory. 



Bishop’s Directives Announced-Masses Suspended

As the Coronavirus situation develops, Bishop Mark Bartchak has issued the following directive concerning Masses and all parish meetings and events:


 M E M O R A N D U M                                               

DATE: March 17, 2020


In light of the COVID-19 epidemic, Bishop Mark requires that priests and deacons of theAltoona-Johnstown Diocese observe the following directives, effective immediately.

Suspension of Public Masses

Churches and other public places of worship in the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese are to remain open for private prayer. However, effective immediately, there will be no public liturgies of any sort. That is, there will be no public daily Masses or weekend Masses, no public novenas, communal stations of the cross, ecumenical services, or other public worship until the current COVID-19 crisis has passed. The purpose of this is to retard the spread of the coronavirus. The Bishop will be reviewing the situation daily and will alert priests and deacons immediately when Masses and other public worship can be resumed.  The Mass will continue to be broadcast at 11:00am on Sundays. The Bishop will be the presider at this liturgy and these broadcasts will be available on the Diocesan website and social media. (


By direct order of the Bishop, all social gatherings are prohibited until further notice. This includes parish gatherings, meetings of parish groups, fish fries, and other fundraisers. These measures are required in order to avoid person-to-person contact and the spread of COVID-19.  Furthermore, because it is impossible to observe the necessary sterile procedures and because of  the possibility of gatherings of people in excess of what is required for public safety, all takeout meals for fundraising must also be suspended immediately.

 Under the direction of Bishop Mark, St. Peter’s Church will make the following changes immediately:

·         All daily and weekend Masses and liturgical celebrations are suspended effective immediately (March 17, 2020) and continuing until further notice.  Throughout this time, the dispensed obligation to attend Sunday and Holy Day Masses, granted by the Bishop on March 12, remains in effect.  Fr. Patti will say a private Mass daily in the Rectory for the Mass intentions that day.

·         All liturgical celebrations, including Stations of the Cross and Adoration and similar are canceled until further notice.  Confessions will remain on Saturdays at 2:45 pm and participants will be asked to use the privacy screen.

·         All activities, including Adult Religion Class, CCD, Bible Study, Toddler Time, Quilters, Knights are canceled until further notice

·         The church will be unlocked for private individual visits seven days a week from 7am – 2pm

·         The Annex, School and Hall are closed to all people and events as of 2pm on Friday, March 20 and buildings will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

·         The Rectory Office will be open Monday – Friday 10am -2pm

·         If you have any questions about an event you had planned (Baptism, Weddings etc.) please call the Rectory during office hours.

 For the most up to date information please refer to the Altoona-Johnstown Diocesan Website at:

First Day of SPRING Celebration Dinner Cancelled

In order to help keep our parish family healthy and safe, St. Peter's Women's Group First Day of Spring Celebration scheduled to be held this Thursday, March 19, at the Oakhurst Grille & Event Center (Oakhurst Tea Room) has been CANCELLED due to health and safety concerns regarding COVID-19.  St. Peter's Women's Group are praying for those affected by this virus and those who may be affected by it in the coming days and weeks!  May God bless you and keep you healthy and safe!

March 13 Lenten Fish Dinner Cancelled

In light of the public health crisis that the COVID-19 virus has created, St. Peter’s Church of Somerset, PA has made the decision to cancel the Lenten Fish Dinner scheduled for Friday, March 13. We wish to thank everyone who has supported our dinners. Please continue to watch our website for further updates.  Thank you. 

First Day of SPRING Celebration Dinner

Let's all say good-bye to Winter and Welcome SPRING......The St. Peter's Church Women's Group cordially invites ALL women of our parish to the "First Day of SPRING Celebration Dinner" on Thursday March 19, at 5:30pm at Oakhurst Grille & Event Center.  The cost is $20.00 which includes the Buffet, Beverage (non-alcoholic) & Gratuity.  Please join us for a social evening of fellowship with women of our Church.  RSVP by contacting Denise Demchak 814-395-5079 or

Lent 2020

Lent is a time of preparation for Easter, calling Christians to reform their lives and to open their hearts to the special graces and blessings which God has promised to bestow upon the world. It is a period of time meant to ready ourselves spiritually to celebrate the glory of Jesus’ resurrection and the fulfillment of His promise to redeem sinners.

St. Peter's Church in Somerset, Pa. will celebrate a Lenten Mass each Wednesday evening at 6 PM. Confessions will be offered on Wednesday evenings after Mass.  Confessions will also take place on Saturday afternoons at 2:30 PM. There will be Stations of the Cross on Sunday evenings at 7 PM followed by a time of Eucharistic Adoration. Children’s Stations of the Cross will be offered on Mondays at Noon with our St. Peter School Students. Our Weekly Eucharistic Holy Hour will be held each Thursday evening at 7 PM. 

Please join us and bring family and friends along with you!

Mardi Gras/ Hospitality Weekend

St. Peter's Parish Women's Group will sponser a Mardi Gras Hospitality Weekend on Saturday, February 22 & 23 in the Parish Hall.   On Saturday, February 22nd, after 4PM Mass there will be a  Pot Luck Dinner in the Hall.  The parish will supply fried chicken and drinks, and those attending are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. On Sunday, February 23, after 8AM and 10AM Masses, Coffee and Donuts will be served in the parish hall.  After 12:15 Mass on Sunday, February 23, there will be Pot Luck Lunch in the hall. The Parish will supply soup and drinks, and those attending are asked to bring a side dish or dessert.  A sign-up sheet is in the vestibule as we need a number of people attending.  All are welcome!  Please contact Chairperson Sue Hook (443-3593) if you are able to help with this project.  We are hoping to sponsor Hospitality Weekends several times during this upcoming year.                                                           


Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation Process

Pre-Cana marriage preparation is a mandatory requirement for all Altoona-Johnstown diocesan couples planning to marry in the upcoming year. The 2020 Pre-Cana class here at St. Peter's Church in Somerset, Pa. will be held on Saturday, March 7, and Saturday, March 14, from 9AM to 1PM in the St. Peter’s parish annex building. The cost is $70 per couple payable at registration prior to the beginning of the first session. If you plan to attend this year’s Pre-Cana sessions, please call the rectory to register at 814-443-6574.

ARISE! Together in Christ Season IV!

As we begin 2020, we once again have an opportunity to attain a greater understanding of our faith and a stronger relationship with the Lord by participating more fully in parish life and inviting others to join in. To accomplish this, Bishop Mark has requested our continued participation in Arise Together in Christ. A year and a half ago, we introduced the ARISE Together in Christ spiritual renewal process in our diocese and in our parish. About 150 parishioners of St. Peter’s participated in ARISE! by joining a small faithsharing group. Those who took part reported having a positive and enriching experience which brought them closer to the Lord. We will continue ARISE! this Lent, beginning in February and continuing for six one-week sessions. All parishioners are invited to join, whether you were part of a small group last Fall or not. ARISE enables people to deepen their faith, develop a closer relationship with Christ, grow in community and reach out in service to others.

Why is St Peter participating in ARISE? Because in these difficult and even painful times we need to be renewed as a parish, we need to welcome back those who have been distanced from the Church, and we need to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ through our active commitment to charity and justice. Why not be part of something that promises to have a positive effect on the renewal of the Catholic Church in our diocese? ARISE Season IV is open to anyone. Your ARISE Parish Team representatives are Juliann Isgan (814)279-5390 or Mary Herwig (814)521-4743, Sign Ups will continue until Sun., Feb. 8. Season IV will begin the week of Feb. 16 and will last through week of Mar. 29. Please follow us on Facebook-St. Peter’s Church-Somerset, PA,  Instagram-St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Somerset, PA.


Would you like to be of service to our parish? Would you like to socialize with other women of our parish? Would you want to be a support to members of our parish family? Please consider joining the St. Peter's Church Women's Group. Flyers with details are available on the table in the church vestibule. Please return the completed tear-off portion via the collection basket.  The newly formed Women's Group will be hosting a luncheon on Wednesday, January 15th, at 12:30pm at Hoss's Steak & Sea House. This will be our first event for women of our Parish to get together, socialize and learn more about the mission of this newly formed group. If you are able to join us please contact Denise Demchak 814-395-5079 and bring along your ideas/ suggestions for projects or events you would like to see us sponsor!! Thank You.  


Lord, You make all things new. You bring hope alive in our hearts and cause our spirits to be born again. Thank You for this New Year, for all the potential it holds. Come and kindle in us a mighty flame so that in our time, many will see the wonders of God and live forever to praise Your Glorious Name.  Amen


January 1, 2020 is the Feast of Mary, Mother of God and a holy day of obligation. Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, December 31st, New Year’s Eve, at 4:15PM.  Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday, January 1st, 8:00AM and 10:00AM. There is no better way to begin our New Year 2020 than by uniting with our Blessed Mother in prayers of peace at Mass on New Year's Day. 


Today is born our Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord! Merry Christmas! Oh, come let us adore Him!

Christmas Eve Masses on Tuesday, December 24, will be celebrated at 5:00PM, 7:30PM and 10:00PM.

Christmas Day Masses on Wednesday, December 25, will be celebrated at 8:00AM and 10:00 AM.



St. Peter's Church Annual Christmas Dinner will be held on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, from 11AM-1PM in our parish hall, 433 West Church Street, Somerset.  This Christmas dinner is for everyone, those who are struggling, those who are thankful, those who are lonely and those in need of good food and conversation. Please come and share a beautiful meal with friends.


St. Peter's Church Annual Holiday Bazaar will take place in our parish hall at 433 West Church Street, Somerset, Pa. on Saturday, November 9, from 11AM to 6PM and on Sunday, November 10, from 8AM to 2PM. Our parish hall will be transformed into a basket wonderland with over 100 theme baskets. Come and see the wonderful range of beautiful baskets!  Drawing will be held on Sunday starting at 2PM.  Refreshments will be available each day. There will also be a bake sale and cash raffle. 


On Sunday, October 27 through Tuesday, October 29, our parish will celebrate the beautiful Eucharistic devotion of Forty Hours. This devotion is a special forty-hour period of prayer made before the Blessed Sacrament in solemn exposition. There will also be devotions each evening at 7:00 PM. The Tuesday service will feature a formal procession with our school students. Visiting priests will be available for confession. Please plan to join us.


Our annual Triduum in honor of St. Therese of Lisieux will begin on Tuesday, October 1, and end on Thursday, October 3. Mass will start at 7PM each evening. Please join us for three days of prayer to this great saint of our time, and draw closer to God. Invite others to attend these days of devotion. A communal anointing of the sick will take place on Thursday evening during Mass. 

ARISE! Together in Christ Season 3

Season 3 of ARISE! is right around the corner! No matter where you are on your faith journey or what your current relationship is with Christ and/or the Catholic Church, the ARISE! platform offers warmth and a sense of community in small-group settings to deepen one’s personal relationship with Christ. Each ARISE! Group—though different!—is a judgementfree, relaxed environment that promotes members to fully engage in deep (seriously deep!) and meaningful conversations about Christ, Catholicism, and one’s personal relationship with Christ. Contact Sonya Richards at OR via text at (814) 659-4369 to get involved or for more information about ARISE! Season 3 starting in October. 

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

All Are Welcome

What if....

  • 'I am unbaptized but want to grow spiritually in my life.'
  • 'I have a different faith background but want to learn what Catholics believe and why.'
  • 'I am a baptized Catholic but never made my First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation.'   

.....Here at St. Peter's Church in Somerset, Pennsylvania, we would love to assist you in your faith journey through an exciting and deeply enriching process in the Catholic Church called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.).

RCIA is for those who are seeking a better relationship with God, who are looking for more information about Catholic Christianity, or who are seeking to grow in their spiritual or Sacramental life.  The RCIA process welcomes the unbaptized person to the family of Jesus Christ.  Sessions are informal and comfortable opportunities to explore the Catholic faith with presentations, discussions, and fellowship.  Explore the faith without obligation.  Classes have started on Monday evenings at 7PM in the annex but there's still time to join us and register.  Call St. Peter's Parish rectory office at 814-443-6574 for more information.

CCD Registration now open!

Registration is now open for St. Peter’s 2019-2020 Religious Education! Parent letter, registration forms, and schedules can be found under the Religious Education tab, in the Church Vestibule, in the Annex outside the DRE’s office, and in the Rectory. Any questions, contact DRE at 814-443-6574 ext. 4.

Welcome Father Angelo Patti

St. Peter’s Parish fondly welcomes Father Angelo Patti as our new pastor. 

He is a warm and friendly person with a deep love of God. He will bring his own special qualities and ideas that we are eager to embrace. We know he will gain the love and respect of our parish family. 

St. Peter’s  has always been blessed with wonderful and outstanding pastors. We know that Fr. Patti will become one of them. We pray that his stay with us will be blessed with much happiness. We look forward to traveling with him as he leads us on the road to strengthening our Catholic faith.

Together, Pro-Life Pennsylvania Marches for Life!

Join us for the Pennsylvania March for Life at the Capitol Building in Harrisburg, PA on September 27, 2021. The rally (11 AM) and march (12 noon) will take place on Monday, September 27th, because it is the first day when both the Pennsylvania House and Senate will be back in session in Harrisburg.

The charter bus will leave the St. Peter’s parking lot at 7:30 am and return by 5:00 pm including a dinner stop on the way home. Cost is $25, and sponsored by the St. Peter Church Women's Group

This is an excellent opportunity for anyone to learn about the specific and current issues Pennsylvania is facing, and what you can do right now to champion pro-life policies to your PA elected representatives. We can all be heroes for one day! Heroes are those who confront evil, and with so much evil around us: (abortion on demand, partial birth abortion, human fetal research) we tend to forget what a wonderful time we are living through-- not in spite of the troubles all around us, but precisely because of the troubles. We were made for Heaven. But on this earth, we were made for fighting against evil and we must charge ahead with joy in our hearts that this is the mission we have been given. Join Us!! For more information or to sign up call Kim Stiffler: 814-233-6727.

St. Peter's Church Big Cash Give Away Sweepstakes!

St. Peter's 100th Anniversary/Directory Photo Schedule for Ministries/Groups

Photos for Ministries and Groups will be taken on April 3 and 10.

April 3 in the church:
11:00 - Women’s Group
11:07 - Greeters
11:14 - Extraordinary Ministers
11:21 - Lectors
11:30 - Ushers
11:35 - Knights of Columbus
11:40 - Church Cleaners

April 3 in Annex
12:05 - Funeral Choir / tentative
12:10 - Nursing Home Visitors
12:25 - Open
12:20 - Birthright (or may be on April 10)
12:25 - Parish Council (tentative- may be done at their meeting)

A session will be scheduled for April 10 from 11:15 - 1:00 as needed. Please come 15 minutes early to allow for paperwork. Check with your group leader if any questions. Call or text Deb Niemiec @ 814-233-2591 for any additions or changes.


ROSARY FOR ST. PETER SCHOOL— PLEASE JOIN US! Join us this Wednesday evening at 7 pm (and every Wednesday through July) behind St. Peter School to pray a rosary for continued blessings on our school. Bring a chair or blanket. Ice cream sandwiches will be served following the rosary. We are looking for some alumni to lead the rosary too! SUMMER HOURS & SUPPLY LISTS

Altar Servers Wanted

Is God calling you to serve as an Altar Server at Mass?  This ministry is vital to the Church’s Liturgical celebrations. Saint Peter’s Altar Server ministry is a group of young people who assist the Priest and Deacon by serving at the altar in a prayerful manner during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is an extreme honor and privilege to kneel so close to the altar as our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, becomes truly present, body, blood, soul, and divinity, at the moment of Consecration.  An altar server has the solemn responsibility to perform the assigned duties with attention, dignity, and reverence. There are several duties involved with being an altar server; however, the most important is that of prayer leader. As an altar server, you will help those who are attending Mass listen. You will help the service flow smoothly so that the congregation can concentrate on all the wonderful sounds surrounding them: the music, the prayers of the priest, and the words of Sacred Scripture. With your help, the parishioner’s time of worship will become more meaningful.

Some of the tasks Altar Servers perform include carrying the Cross, holding the book for the priest when he is not standing at the altar, presenting the bread, wine and water to the priest, and assisting him in gathering the gifts from the people as well as many other things.  Considering how critical these tasks are to the Mass, the new Altar Servers will participate in a comprehensive training. They will receive instruction on the Mass and its parts, their meaning, the many objects used in the liturgy (names and usage) and the various functions of the servers. In addition to some formal training, they work with the more experienced altar servers as they learn their responsibilities.  Please contact Deacon Mark at (814) 233-9285 for more information.  Dates for Altar Server Trainings will be announced in the Bulletin.



St. Peter

 TEACHER OPENINGS St. Peter School has teacher openings for the 2023-2024 school year. We are looking for some special people to answer the call of being a Catholic school teacher and joining our school family. If you or someone you know is interested in more information about teaching at St. Peter School, please call Mrs. Harris at 814-445-6662 or send your resume to We offer a positive and respectful working environment, competitive salaries and benefits. And not to mention the heavenly rewards! We are also looking for some additional substitute teachers. Certification is not required for substitute teachers and a college degree

St. Peter's Church

St. Peter's Parish 2023 Pre-Cana Program

Congratulations on your engagement! We share your happiness as you approach the sacrament of marriage. To help you prepare for your marriage, we invite you to St. Peter's Parish Pre-Cana Program.

St. Peter's Parish offers our marriage preparation program as an opportunity to introduce you to the theology of the sacrament, spiritual resources and practical tools to help you develop a strong and healthy marriage – a marriage that lasts a lifetime. This time as a couple is a gift to help you step away from the details of planning for your wedding day, in order to focus your attention on your faith, each other and God.

The Pre-Cana Marriage Preparation is a mandatory requirement for all diocesan couples contemplating marriage in the upcoming year. St. Peter's Parish Pre-Cana program will be held on March 18 and March 25. If you plan to attend please call the rectory office at 814-443-6574 or register online at 



Sunday Masses

Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:15 pm

Weekday & Holy Day Masses

As announced in the bulletin.


Saturday 2:45 pm
Anytime upon request.
Additional times during Advent & Lent.